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Tuesday, November 6, 2012

[RELEASE] Silent Winlocker 5.0 + Panel

Join Date
Oct 2012


Lightbulb [Cracked] Silence Winlocker 5

Silent Winlocker 5.0 + Panel Passowrd:

How to use:

1. Create one mysql db.
2. Upload panel files to /var/www/wl (for example)
3. Open in your browser and follow the procedure.
4. Open in your browser and log in with your user & pasw.

Description and a product:

Silence WinLocker - software to lock the operating system.
Software developed by Visual C version 8.0, with no additional libraries like msvcrt, MFC, etc.

The functions and features of software:

1. Soft weighs Oklo 10kb (no pictures, picture size 800 * 600).
2. Putting windows software on top.
3. Lock Alt + Ctrl + Del, Alt + Tab, Alt + F4, Ctrl + Esc, Win + D, Win + R, Win.
4. Full samoudalenie out Technically correct key. (Optional)
5. One or more keys to unlock it. (Optional).
6. Monitors and blocks the processes: MSCONFIG.exe, regedit.exe, regedt32.exe, CMD.exe.
7. Recipe to Startup.
8. Lock Safe Mode (only for Windows XP)
9. Hides the taskbar (start button, etc.)
10. Line within encrypted software
11. Opportunity to put any picture.
12. Software does not start when turned off the Internet. (Optional)
13. Ability to specify up to five backup URL.

The tests were conducted on these operating systems:

XP / Server 2003/Win7/Vista (runs on x86 and x64)
There are 2 versions of software:
01. * Soft without a control panel with a builder.
02. * Software control panel, without the Builder and has some functionality.

Control Panel:

Panel written in PHP.
There are 2 variants of the panel:
1. Without MySQL.
2. With MySQL. - The panel is not available on the market for some time.

Opportunities panel:

? Count the number of infected machines.
? voucher codes (Ucash, PSC ...) displays in this format № | | Date | | Time | | IP | | CODE
? Ability to delete otstuk and codes.

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